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Your guide to health & financial freedom.

Hal Ebel

“Most people are awake, but fast asleep.” Halizm for Today

Essentially, many individuals are living a “rinse and repeat” existence right now and it’s not going to get you to your dream lifestyle.  My goal is to assist you in achieving your health and financial goals.  Even if your profession meets your immediate needs, it won’t provide you with the financial freedom or long-term health you want.  Many people are slowly burning out trying to achieve someone else’s goals instead of their own.  Make your dreams a reality by putting the pieces in place today!

Hal Ebel Lifestyle blog

My Story

My professional career was centered for 45 years in the finance industry. I’ve helped clients ranging from medical professionals to business owners who produce financial reports in multiple languages. I have merged those experiences into group investing using the nutrition industry . As I believe nutrition is one of our foundations to health. With great assurance, I can help you in both areas.  I seek those who desire to change their current reality and become all they desire to be.

To help you see a new pathway, I’ve included a link to a calculator to help you test where you may be financially.  To learn not only where you are now but what needs to happen to ensure you are heading in the right direction.  This opportunity is free.  Honestly, I’d invite you to give it to others who may benefit.  I want to help wake up as many as possible.

If after reviewing your own financial information you decide you would like to consider another pathway, feel welcome to use my contact link.  Again, I’m not interested in taking you to a place you do not want to be, but rather to help you achieve your own dreams and learn if I may help, awaken you.